Hello World!

Brooke Smith
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

Hi everyone! My name is Brooke Smith. I am a production student, a programmer, and a powerlifter. Currently, I am in my second semester at SMU Guildhall.

I graduated from Texas Christian University with a bachelor’s in computer science. When I chose my major as a senior in high school, I had the goal of making video games in the back of my mind. That goal became a reality when I worked on a team with five other students on a mobile game we developed for our yearlong Software Engineering/Senior Design class. Somewhere along the way, I found out that I prefer working with people more than programs. This is what brought me to SMU Guildhall for production.

The first game I ever worked on. Unfortunately, it never made it to any app stores.
Title Screen for Sir Stanley’s Well Rounded Adventure, the game I made in undergrad.

Besides programming and managing people, I also compete competitively in powerlifting. In 2018, I found a coach that I still work with today. He has helped me reach many goals over the last few years including a 300 pound deadlift and competing at the national level. In 2019, I broke a national bench press record for my weight and age group at 165 pounds. I have not been able to lift much recently due to the pandemic, but I look forward to competing again when it is safe.

I hope to learn a lot in the next semesters about developing games, communicating with people, managing teams, and organizing schedules.

